Friday, November 20, 2009

Thanks Cucalorus

The first three days in Wilmington were a little glum and drizzly but it didn't hold Cuclaorus back.  The festival was well attended and run by some really cool, enthusiastic people.  I made new friends -- the days were full and the nights were long.  (Sleep deprivation established early!)

I saw many great films over five days including the House of the Devil which gloriously lived up to all my expectations.  Masterfully directed with a strong cast and shot in only 18 days.  (Would love to cast Tom Noonan someday)

Being a long time Mekons fan, I was excited to hear Joe Langford play a surprise set at the opening night party.  He started with Millionaire from "I (heart) Mekons" and even broke a string on a ferocious acoustic version of "Never Been In a Riot".  He also played a track from Fear and Whiskey which was pretty unbelievable being I was only five feet from him.  Langford's appearance was connected with New York based filmmaker Joe Angio's excellent new Mekons doc which was screening as a work in progress.

Our two Calvin Marshall screenings went well with Alex Frost attending both.  Even though the film seems to be playing well, the screenings in general aren't comfortable yet for me. There usually comes a time with a movie where you feel (almost) completely separated from the film and it takes on a life of its own. When this happens, screenings are much easier to sit back and engage.  Anyway - not quite there yet.

The sun finally came out for the weekend and it was fun to see Cape Fear and the ocean.  Very cool to walk around downtown Wilmington.  It reminded me a little of Ashland, Oregon where we shot Calvin.  Quaint downtown with culture, nice people and memorable restaurants like Deluxe.

I found myself whistling the Lumberton theme as I walked by the Dorothy Vallens Deep River apartment building.  Within walking distance is the Beaumont Hardware Store and also the big, beautiful church that Jeffrey and Sandy once upon a time parked beside.  I looked up at the stained glass and wondered when the Robins would come.  I wanted to venture down to Lincoln but decided against it.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

When will the movie be here in Nor Cal? We can't wait forever ya kno'!