Saturday, September 5, 2009

Calvin Teaser

Calvin Marshall Teaser from Broken Sky Films on Vimeo.


Unknown said...

Just a coincidence that Calvin looks so much like you Lunchpail?

Also dresses like you!

dan j

Unknown said...

By the way, this looks absolutely phenomenal! i love the way that this is shot.
can't wait to see it! Please let us know as soon as you can when it will be shown in theatres so i can hijack all my friends to see it.
dan j

Unknown said...

i just realized that where i have heard the name 'Catherine Coulson' before!
did you geek out and ask everything you could about what David Lynch is like and what he would have done in the third season?

i kno' i would have...
dan j

lunchpail said...

pure coincidence, Dan. thanks for the support. And of course I geeked out about all things TP and DL with Catherine! As soon as there is release info, it will be here or