Monday, September 22, 2008


How many times have you watched your favorite film?

I've seen The Graduate about 20 times. Three Colours Red, maybe 25 times. I doubt I've had more than 25 viewings of any one film. And keep in mind, those screenings are spread out -- weeks, months, years fall between them.

Over the last 10 months I've watched CALVIN MARSHALL hundreds of times. Maybe even a thousand.

Post-production is grueling. While I'm thrilled to be the editor, I understand now why directors generally don't cut their own films. Its because they need to do everything in their power to preserve objectivity. Another person shouldering the grind of the edit goes a long way towards doing that.

The long trek through the dark tunnel of post-production is taxing. If you have someone driving the bus who works in that tunnel for a living -- you'll have a much better chance of making it to the other side in good shape.

Post production is not a science. It's a collaboration of a few people binding together to somehow extract the best version of the movie from the movie.

Right now we have a great group assembled in the edit room and we see light at the end of the tunnel. And I'm trying to remain objective as we climb towards it.

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