Saturday, January 16, 2010

Hybrid Distribution

It's a much better description for what's happening now in Independent film.

When you consider all the people you must collaborate with to release a film? Multiple companies and pros need to be in your corner and doing what they do best.  "DIY" just isn't accurate in most cases.

It's an exciting time to produce and release an independent film. There are so many tools in this evolving landscape that a producer can actually keep control of a property from script through release. For the first time, producers can split up the rights to their films and make multiple non-exclusive deals with major distribution companies.

The most exciting part?  More films will get exposure and make profits without turning the reigns over completely to major studios.   This means more and more film investors will see returns on their investments.

I expect private equity to flow into independent film again over the next few years simply because there will be enough filmmakers out there taking advantage of this extraordinary time.  And you can bet the producers left standing will build distribution expenses into future production budgets.

I don't want to come off overly optimistic here, but I do think this is an exciting time and there will be a lot of success stories.

Our producers have been consulting with Peter Broderick on the Calvin Marshall release -- who is quoted in this recent NY Times article.

The Coming Revolution in Indie Distribution

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