Wednesday, February 4, 2009

New Blog

This one will retire soon. The new one will be incorporated into the Calvin Marshall website which is under construction.

From a distance, blogging felt like a presumptuous exercise to me. But like it or not, this kind of self-promotion is becoming a critical part of filmmaking -- especially when a film is nearly finished.

Many people have asked about the title of this blog and I wanted to take a moment to clarify before it's gone.

Falling on your face is something you get used to in this business, and you're often kicked to the ground. There is so much rejection across the board. That goes for most everyone above the line carving out a career.

When people say persistence is a crucial aspect of filmmaking, what they're saying is that you must learn how to get back up and dust yourself off all the time.

The next blog will hopefully be as transparent as this one but will be more connected to the release of Calvin.

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